Interior Design and Autism

Interior Design and Autism

I specialize in creating homes that are both beautiful and comfortable. Working with color, texture, artwork, interior plaster and finishes, I understand how important it is to have a space that feels welcoming, relaxing, joyful... and realistic to your own personal tastes, senses, and needs...

My services are designed to enhance your home's comfort levels, whether it's through improved air quality, diffused light and sound, or the ability to regulate humidity levels. With my attention to detail and commitment to quality, eco-minded choices and sustainable aspects for every person and animal, you can trust that every aspect of the design will be carefully considered.

Let me help you transform your home into a space that you'll love to come back to every day. Contact Lime + Render today to schedule your consultation and see the difference that good home design can make. You deserve it. Making your home YOUR HOME is the highest form of self-care. And I can help make that happen... there are 6 different ways to work with me, so if you're ready, click the "My Work" tab and see what's the best fit for you.

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