Pothos is THE BEST Plant Ever - Fight Me

Pothos is THE BEST Plant Ever - Fight Me

Sure, I will forever and ever love a good, sculptural Fiddle Fig. Monsteras always get me excited in a way that's kind of embarrassing. An Albino Veriegated Monstera? Omg. I Fan Girl about it. And a strong, tall-ass entry way of Snake Plants?? Sexy time!!

But... all that being said... Pothos is THE BEST plant in the whole world. Here's why:

1. So. Hard. To. Kill. 

I've been able to kill a few plants on the "Hard to Kill" lists (ahem Air Plants should not be on these lists, not should String of Pearls), but for reals for reals, the Pothos is realllllly hard to get wrong. They're super low-light tolerant, not terribly picky about their humidity, and can live a long time without water. They like a dry soil between waterings, and they'll even begin to droop and signal that they need some agua soon. 

2. Propagation Champions

Not only are these babes easy-peasy to propagate (cut between nodes, place in water, watch roots form in 5 to 10 days), but they're actually super propagators in that they release hormones into the water to help speed up and strengthen other plants who are slower-rooting. So basically, they're awesome. 

Pothos also work to filter and purify the air around them, to include removing toxins like formaldehyde from our spaces. So, again, these guys are awesome. 

3. Variation and Versatility

These lovers come in an array of variations, variegations, and versatile forms, and with the options available you're sure to be swoon-y over at least one kind or another! The Neon is my personal fave, followed closely by a Marbled Snow Queen. The standard-issue Golden Pothos is classic and unbeatable, plus it symbolizes perseverance, strength, vision, determination, and positivity. And don't we all need those things in abundance, every day of our lives?? (Yes, the answer is yes, yes we do.) Hanging a pothos plant up high reflects an ability to reach for your dreams (yes, gurl, get it!), and if nothing else, results in glorious green glossy leaves and long vines, filling your space with good, oxygenated energy and something lovely to look at.

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